SHIFT HAPPENS: Finding Your Frequency

As we know, this years leaves much to be desired: Pandemics, deaths, elections, riots, and its only September (I expect a big season finale in November). We all could use some good energy in our personal lives as much of the exterior world seems to be on reset mode.

I took up a regular cleaning practice of smudging and cleaning a couple years ago and since then have taken much stake into how I truly “want” to feel vs. how reactive I am to how others force me to feel (gem drop). In the past I never thought much of my moods and more so found my self “going with the flow”, taking life as it comes (reacting aimlessly). That was until a quote from an old boss resurfaced: “be proactive, not reactive". Now my old Air Force officer may have been referencing a combat environment, but that same lesson has cycled through every conflict I have encountered since.

Imagine This: Close your eyes, think of that time you last worked out, that last amazing session in the gym. Feeling of exhaustion, accomplishment, being at peace. For me that feeling is the high I like to maintain and often seek. That feeling is my “home frequency”, me uninhibited by others, not worried, or frantic. Even if its just a moment, it’s me feeling my own vibes.

Another example, think of your last shower. Go back to that time feeling warm water and steam engulfing your surroundings. A short period in the day to truly care for, clean, and regenerate the body. Beautiful, isn’t it. Probably not, because in that short period in the day so many people choose to stress. Bills, phone calls, meetings, dinner, kids, appointments, relationships, money, repeat. You refuse to just give your mind and body those 15 minutes to care for you, in detail.

It’s work, trust me I know. It’s hard to know your own home frequency when we spend so much time in everyone else’s, always in their “ish”. Whats even worst, they don’t know their own energy frequency. So we are all just reacting and pouring onto one another. Little fires everywhere. We have become so accustom to it we even gave it a name: empath. “I am an empath”, we hear people say. So much power in the words, “I am…” (conversation for another post)

Today is the day we stop reacting and simply step away. In a past job, I once was told that my energy shifted, that I was not pouring into my coworkers, and even more so that I was pouring into myself too much. I used to consider this selfish, but after sometime I came across the term “energy vampires”. Some people really crave energy, your energy, your attention. When that flow stops we tend to be met with volatility. “You’ve become difficult”, but meanwhile in your search for fulfillment and acceptance toward them you found depression and more lack. I’m here to tell you it’s not easy, but once you make the shift, find your vibes, I guarantee you will find the destiny you were meant for.

This is why meditation is profound. This is where we get those magic ideas. Once your at peace somethings happens, you become aligned. No blocks. It is truly magic.

I say it every day to my clients, “stay in your lane, do not worry what the person next you is doing, this is your journey”. This is your path, live it uninterrupted from others who want you to dive into them.

I’ll leave with this: if you won’t let them into your bank account, don’t let them into your energy account.




Natural Power: Pre-workouts From Earth